Monday, July 28, 2014

NGR Update - 7/28/2014

Well it's been awhile since we last filled you in on how things have been going here at NGR, so today we're going to do just that. Over the past week or so quite a few things have changed, so this may take awhile.

1. The first notable update is the announcement/headline banner found on the index page of NGR (or home page). Not too long ago we let you guys know how it was going we announced how it would be used. Well, everything is finally in place. With the help of fellow programmer Cathony, and graphic designer Lugia, it is now fully up and running. Arrows have been added to allow you to flip between the major "headlines" (latest reviews, completed lets plays, etc), and the automatic rotation time of said banners have been slowed down. Originally they were changing every second or so, but now you should have plenty of time to read the description before it shifts to the next.

2. Besides fixing the headline banner, we also fixed an issue which has been irking me personally for quite awhile. The post image's scale. Originally whenever a post containing an image was made, it would appear on the left of the summary on the front page. While this is what we wanted it to do, the way it sized the images was, to put it simply, glitched. They were fitting to a specific size (around 150x150 px), and that resulted in them being distorted. Yeah, not anymore. Images now scale, and keep their proportions just as they should. While the width is always fixed, its height will never be distorted, keeping the image completely intact. We have also removed the blue border found around the images to avoid issues with transparent images, as well as to avoid framing them. (which you can see for yourself in this very post.) On top of that, we have made the summaries of each post longer, so you can read more before you actually click on "Read More."

3. The "Read More" text found after each summary has now been replaced with a button. While this isn't a major change, it does make it more noticeable, and easier to find. (Yeah, we're sorry about making you hunt for the tiny orange Read More text... Hopefully this makes up for the past few months...)

4. And finally, the biggest change of all. If you're following us either on Google +, Twitter, or Facebook, well, you'll be seeing this news update the moment it goes live. Originally we were having to share our latest updates on each of our social network pages by hand, which sometimes resulted in a delay as large as a few hours between. We're sorry about that, but starting today, that will no longer be the case. All posts made here on NGR will be updated on most of our social network pages instantly... The only one to be left out is Tumblr... Now we know that we have a lot of fans over on Tumblr (truth be told, we have more followers on Tumblr than all of our other social networks combined), at this time we are limited on what we can do with it. Originally our plan was to have all posts be automatically published there as well, but Tumblr themselves are preventing us from doing so. Last year some lesser known behind the scenes features were removed from Tumblr (which we would have made use of), so until we can find a way around their road block, we will just have to continue doing things the old fashion way. Once again we're sorry about this guys, and we will try to get this issue resolved as soon as possible.

Well, that's it for now. We will continue to make changes to NGR as time goes on, but for the time being, this is all we have for you today. Once again I cannot go into what we have planned for the future, but I can say that we will be looking into improving the forums soon, as well as other aspects of the site. Thanks for the support guys, and we hope to see you again next time. Until then!