Nintendo Direct Wiiu Overview

Well Nintendo Direct just ended awhile ago, but for anyone who missed it, here's a quick overview of what was brought up!
  • The Wii U will be launching in the US on November 18th and it will come in two different models. The White Wii U will cost $299.99, and be the standard model, while the Black Wii U (the Deluxe package) will have more memory, and come with Nintendo land. The Black Wii U will cost $349.99
  • Nintendo TVii service was announced. Nintendo TVii allows you to browse all TV Shows and Movies offered by other streaming services, such as Hulu and Netflix, as well as what's on live TV. Each user can personalize their Nintendo TVii set up with favorite shows and movies, and by using the Wii U tablet, you can comment on just about every aspect of the show/movie. (The tablet also allows you to view what you may have missed, as well as the scores for sports games currently going on.)
  • Games that were announced at E3 were shown off, nothing new.
  • Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate was announced for the Wii U and 3DS.
  • Bayonetta 2 announced, and is being published by Nintendo. In other words, it will be a Nintendo exclusive.
  • Call of Duty Black Ops 2 announced for the Wii U
  • More footage shown off for E3 games; however the only real new footage was the extended Ninja Gaiden III: Razor's Edge clip, which shows off Ayane.
And, that is basically it. In short, the Wii U will be here pretty soon, and it will be launching with around 50 titles!

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