Welcome to Netto's Game Room!

Hey everyone what's going on? I'm NettoSaito, but most just call me Netto, and I wanted to welcome you all to Netto's Game Room! Now The Game Room, as I like to call it, has actually been around for quite some time now, but as of today we have begun bringing our game reviews over here to blog spot as well.

You see Netto's Game Room actually started back in 2011 on CAPCOM's official website Capcom-Unity. On Capcom-Unity users are able to create their own fan groups and blogs to go along with Capcom's Official blogs, and well, that's how the Game Room got its start. Originally the Game Room was simply a place for other fellow Unity members to read up on the latest video game news and updates, but as time went on things began to change.

Now days Netto's Game Room is more focused on Video Game Reviews, and it also has quite a few writers as well. Although there is the occasional news update, most of the posts are in fact video game reviews from both the newest games as well as from classic video games as well. Really there isn't any game that we won't review, and we have always been more than happy to take requests (if possible that is).

Anyway, as you can tell, we are no longer just on Capcom-Unity, and because of that things are going to be a bit different. As of right now blog posts will actually be posted both at the original Game Room, as well as here on blogspot; although there will be one major difference. While Capcom-Unity's blogs will be from different writers, all content here will be published by me (NettoSaito). Now this may change at a later date, but as of right now this is going to be a more personal blog.

Currently I have actually brought over most of my game reviews that I've done in the last year, with only a few of them being left out due to issues with their quality. Now I may actually update these reviews at a later date, but until then they will remain back at the original Game Room (if you would like to check them out, feel free to click the "About Netto's Game Room" link above).

If anyone has any questions please feel free to leave me a comment, and I'll do my best to answer you as soon as possible. Well anyway, welcome everyone, and I hope to see you guys again sometime!

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