Final Fantasy 15 Announced! April Fools Joke not really a Joke!

Well, Square-Enix has finally done it! It turns out that Final Fantasy Versus XIII will now be known as Final Fantasy XV, and it will be released on the PlayStation 4! On top of that, we also have a new trailer (which looks amazing), but I would like to take a moment to say something before I post it. Remember my April Fools day joke? The one that stated Versus 13 was being remade into 15 for the PlayStation 4 with some pretty outstanding changes? Well, that wasn't the true joke; this is.

I actually wrote that post based off of some tips and hints that Square-Enix (as well as others who have seen Versus 13 behind closed doors) stated. I created the post knowing that there was a very high chance that Versus 13 would in fact be for the PS4 under the name Final Fantasy 15. The joke is, it wasn't a joke!

Now with that being said, feel free to check out the original post here, and watch the trailer as well!

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