Tales of Symphonia and Dawn of the New World HD coming out for PS3!

Well, I've actually known about this project for quite awhile, but I figured I'd wait until an official announcement was made to report on it. But anyway.... It is now official! Tales of Symphonia and its sequel Dawn of the New World will be released in HD for the PlayStation 3 in its very own collection! The game will be released in early 2014, and that isn't all. Hideo Baba (the producer of the Tales of series) has also announced that he wishes to bring the game to NA and EU as well! Although details on this HD release are limited, please check out the official announcement video below!

As some of you may know, I've actually been trying to get a copy of Tales of Symphonia for quite some time now, but I guess all of my waiting has finally paid off! If you've never played the original games, this is the perfect chance for you to finally check them out. Also if you've never played a Tales of game, don't forget that Tales of Xillia will also be hitting western shores for the PS3 later on this year.

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