Capcom's PlayStation 4 Exclusive "Deep Down" will be Free to Play

During the PlayStation 4 announcement event, Capcom gave us a quick look at one of their brand new upcoming titles. The game was called "Deep Down," and it was a fantasy role playing game. Although at the time Capcom couldn't give us too many details on the title, they did show off a trailer that showcased some of the game's features, as well as the brand new engine that it was running on. Overall the game had promise, and it was clear that it would be a game to look out for when the PlayStation 4 launched.

Yesterday at the Tokyo Game Show, Capcom made a stunning new announcement. It turns out that Deep Down will be one of the games to make use of Sony's brand new "Free to Play" marketing strategy for the PlayStation 4, and it will go into its open beta phase in February of 2014. The game features randomly generated dungeons in a fantasy setting, but despite all of this, it actually takes place in New York in 2094. How this will all work out is still unknown, but it does seem like it will be an interesting title to say the least. For more information, check out the trailer below.

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