GameStop Selling Killzone: Shadow Fall!

Although this isn't a big news story or anything, I figured quite a few of you would like to know. Apparently a lot of PlayStation 4 games, and accessories, do not have a street date. Basically what this means is, if a game store gets them in, they are allowed to sell them to the public.

Earlier today when I went into GameStop to pick up a copy of Sonic Lost World for the Wii U, I got to talking with some of the workers inside. As we were talking about the PlayStation 4, and the upcoming games for it, one of them pointed out that Killzone was now on the shelves. Yep, that's right. The PlayStation 4 exclusive "Killzone: Shadow Fall" is in fact for sale at most GameStops country wide; legally. You can walk into stores today, buy the game before it becomes scarce around the holiday season, and have it ready to play next month when the PlayStation 4 finally comes out.

So, if you're looking forward to the PS4; then this offer is one you might want to jump on. Heck while you're at it, you might as well pick up a Dualshock 4!

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