Mighty No. 9 coming to ALL "current day" consoles!

Today was the final day for the Mighty No. 9 Kickstarter. It has been a crazy day, but in the end a lot of good has come from it! Even as I type this, more and more people are jumping on board to back the project, and because of that the game has hit MANY of its stretch goals! Two extra stages were added, a Mac/Linux version will be released, a new game plus mode will be included, a boss rush mode will be added, it will have an online co-op mode, and even single player stages for Beck's female partner Call. Just yesterday many of these goals seemed too far out of reach, but now they are a reality. Still, there is even bigger news to be told.

Thanks to everyone's donations, Mighty No. 9 will be released on PC (including Mac and Linux), the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii U, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo 3DS, and PlayStation Vita. Every one of today's consoles will be receiving the game (minus the Wii which is now actually ceasing production). Really, it doesn't matter what console you have; if you are a console or handheld gamer, you will be able to play Mighty No 9. Thank you everyone for helping this project along, and thank you Inafune for coming up with the idea. As a proud backer myself, I can't wait to see how this one turns out!

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