PlayStation Vita - 3.00 Update

Yesterday Sony released yet another update for the PlayStation Vita; however, unlike the previous updates, this one actually made a lot of major changes.

With Version 3.00, The PlayStation Vita is now fully compatible with the upcoming PlayStation 4. A new PlayStation 4 Link Application has been added to the LiveArea, the "Remote Play" App has been renamed to "PS3 Remote Play," a few icons have been redesigned, and a few Applications have been improved in general. Some of the new features introduced with this update include, but not limited to:
  • The ability to connect to the PlayStation 4 to make use of off screen play, and games which support a second screen.
  • The ability to Party Chat with players on the PS4
  • PS4 Trophy Support
  • A more organized Friends List (player search, friends, friend request, and blocked players are now in their own groups.)
  • The ability to sync Email Contacts
  • The ability to turn on auto update (which downloads updates for you while you are not playing.)
  • And new parental controls.
 For more information, check out the official release video.

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