World 1-1 has been Kickstarted!

Hello everyone, I just wanted to give you all a heads up on what happened with the World 1-1 Kickstarter. As I'm sure you know, World 1-1 is the first in line for an upcoming video game documentary which follows the history of video games. Two days ago I published an article about how the kickstarter period was now in its final hours. At the time the project was still under halfway to its goal, and things were starting to look bleak Then it happened.

As of yesterday (11/6/2013) the project has been funded! The fans came through, and all $15,000 needed for the project was raised. So, what does this mean? Well, if you are not familiar with kickstarter, let me explain.

Kickstarter is a service where independents can both get their projects known, and possibly find the funding needed. These projects range from video games, to books, to inventions, to film, and much much more. When someone submits their project on kickstarter, they have a set number of days before their kickstarting period ends. If people like the idea or want to support the project, they can pledge a set amount of money to go toward the kickstarter's goal. If that goal is met before the deadline, the creators of the project are funded the money, and the project officially is green lit. On the other hand, if the project fails, then creator(s) receive nothing, everyone who pledged gets their money back, and the project dies (unless the one who started it finds an alternative to bring it to life).

Anyway, the latter no longer matters. World 1-1 is a go, and I am personally really looking forward to it! Congrats Daryl and Jeanette!

For more information, once again, check out the official kickstarter page:

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