Ultra Street Fighter IV Trailer Released

The Ultra Street Fighter IV trailer has been released, with the release date being sometime in early 2014. This will be the fourth installment of Street Fighter IV to be released, with the original Street Fighter IV being released for home consoles in 2009.
This version is set to include five new characters, including Poison from Final Fight and Elena from Street Fighter III: 3rd Strike. It is also going to update the combat system, including the ability to use either of a characters Ultra Combos during a match, rather than choosing which one you’ll use before the match.
While reception has been mixed, with the usual complaints about Capcom’s sequel stagnation being prevalent, it does at least appear to be a decent sized update and fans of Street Fighter IV may want to check it out. The download price is set to be $20 and the retail version will be $40.
You can watch the trailer here:

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