New PSP Games in 2015 (and Beyond)

Well, this may come as a shock to some of you. It's the year 2015, the PlayStation Portable which struggled for years outside of Japan is gone, and the Vita has taken it's place. All of this is just common knowledge for those who follow gaming news, but what I'm about to say next is (somewhat) completely unexpected.

For anyone who had hoped to play PSP RPGs such as Summon Night 5, or Class of Heroes 3 -- well, now is your chance. Despite being on a dead console, both titles are officially being translated, and will be released on PSN in the near future. While Class of Heroes may not come as a shock (as the other titles were released in the west), Summon Night's main series has never been outside of Japan. Sure, we had Swordcraft Story and what not (which was an action RPG), but the main tactical role playing series has stayed a Japanese exclusive with no hints of this ever changing. Well, it's finally happening, and it really is quite a shock!

Anyway, if you still have your old PSP, or if you have a Vita, look forward to seeing both of these titles making their way to you soon -- assuming you like these niche titles that is.

Besides Summon Night 5 and Class of Heroes, fans can expect other PSP titles to make their way outside of Japan as well. For example the sequel for "The Legend of Heroes: Trials in the Sky" was confirmed for an English release awhile back, and there's plenty of other games which may still come out after all these years. Just because the PSP has been "dead" for years now, it doesn't mean it doesn't have at least some life left. Again, it's kind of strange to see, but that doesn't change the fact that it's great for fans. Really, it just goes to show you that waiting and hoping sometimes pays off.

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