Final Fantasy VII Remake Delayed

Today we have a sad message from the development team over at Square-Enix. As quoted:
“We know that so many of you are looking forward to the release of FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE and have been waiting patiently to experience what we have been working on. In order to ensure we deliver a game that is in-line with our vision, and the quality that our fans who have been waiting for deserve, we have decided to move the release date to April 10, 2020.

We are making this tough decision in order to give ourselves a few extra weeks to apply final polish to the game and to deliver you with the best possible experience. I, on behalf of the whole team, want to apologize to everyone, as I know this means waiting for the game just a little bit longer.

Thank you for your patience and continued support”

Yoshinori Kitase, Producer of FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE.

FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE will be available for the PS4 on April 10, 2020.

And there you have it folks. It's a shame to hear we'll have to wait another month, but at the same time this isn't all bad news. Delays such as this are typically only made when the team has a very good reason for it (especially when it's this close to release), and the extra time allows them to fix issues the current version of the game may have. It's better than the whole "day one patch" approach that has become common in recent years, and gives them more time in general to release an actual finished product. So yes, we do have to wait longer, but it's a wait that will most likely be worth it.

On the flip side, March was already packed full of games. Animal Crossing will be out on the Switch, Team Ninja is putting out Nioh 2, and at the end of the month we have Persona 5 Royal's US release. Of course these are only a few of what March has to offer us, but with those alone the month is already packed. Giving us a little break for Final Fantasy VII might not be such a bad idea.
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