Final Fantasy VII Remake - Demo Out Now

Sorry for the late update (been pretty busy today), but I wanted to take the time to let you guys know about the Final Fantasy VII Remake Demo. Now it's no surprise that a Demo for this game exists, as it was leaked quite a long time ago, but Square has never given us an official release date on it. It simply appeared on a server, people gained access to it, and then the leaks came rolling in. Well that all changes today.

The FF7 Remake Demo is now out on the PlayStation Store for everyone to download! It features the game's opening chapter (the iconic bombing mission), and lets players get roughly an hour or so look at what the full game will be like. Now as an older demo Square warns that not everything seen in the demo is representative of what will be in the final game, as it's an older demo for a game that continues to be refined to this day. So while this demo is close to the final product, it is still not the actual final game. This means any issues you may come across in the demo could be addressed before the final release, and new things can be added (or even taken away) later on. We've seen this happen with past Final Fantasy game demos (XIII-2 and the multiple demos of XV come to mind), so it can happen with VII as well.

Anyway if you haven't already played it for yourself, why not go check it out now? Playing it before the game's release will also net you a unique PlayStation theme, so you'll get something out of having the demo either way.
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