Ex Troopers PS3 and 3DS!

Looks like Capcom has yet another game in the works! Ex Troopers is an action shooter being developed under the watch of Shintaro Kojima, who is the producer behind Monster Hunter, it uses an anime art style, AND it has ties to Lost Planet. Not much is known about the story, but according to Famitsu it does have some school life aspect to it with manga style cutscenes. As of right now not much else is known, but it's possible that this might be the first Lost Planet game to not actually take place on EDN III, or maybe even farther in the future where EDN has become the new Earth. There's no official word on that, but it's still possible (especially with the whole school life set up)!

So what do you guys think it's going to be like? Think we'll be playing as some kind of students back on Earth/some other planet? Or do you think we'll be playing as a normal civilian on the new EDN?


It turns out you play as a young man named Bren Turner who graduates from a military academy on EDN II, to join the snow pirate/akrid "war" on EDN III. It was also announced that the game is around 60% complete and that it'll be released later this year in Japan!

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