Ex Troopers - Currently Known Features

I'm sure most of you have heard now, but Ex Troopers has been shown off at Capcom's summer event, and the following is a small check list of features that have been announced.

- The game takes place in the Lost Planet world but with Cell Shaded graphics
- It will have a 3DS and PS3 version.
- Some cutscenes use a manga tile system.
- The story focuses the fight between snow pirates and the akrid.
- The Planet of EDN III has three bases and the player can choose which base to be a part of (all of which seem to be a part of Nevec)
- You can play as other characters. Bren may be the main character, but it turns out you can play as the others as well! That's always a plus in my book!
- You can pilot Bren's VS Gingira.
- Each character has their own set of skills/abilities. Each character is unique, and they have their own play styles. It has also been shown that different characters can use these abilities to access different areas as well.
- The game has a mix of gun and melee combat (possibly remnants from Legends 3).
- There is both a dash and boost type system to allow for faster travel.
- The game includes RPG elements such as exploring "hub" areas.
- Co-op/mulitplayer! This isn't really a shock since it is in fact a spin off from Lost Planet, but it turns out EX Troopers WILL keep the Lost Planet multiplayer element as well as the co-op that was introduced in Lost Planet 2.
- Tie in Anime announced! Although it hasn't been announced how far they will take this, the first (and so far only) OVA will be included with the Sengoku Basara HD Collection.
- And finally, the game WILL have a Limited Edition.
So there you have it people! The current list of known features. Sadly as of right now there is no word on a western release, but due to the fact that the West is getting Lost Planet 3, there's a pretty good chance it will make it over as well. Also if you haven't seen the new trailers, I highly recommend taking the time to do so!

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