Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D

Just a short update, one of the last things announced during today's Nintendo Direct was Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D, a straight port of one of the greatest games on the Wii to the 3DS in full 3D. This isn't the Donkey Kong Country Returns 2 I was hoping for (one that's based strongly off of DKC2, like the first game's base off of DKC1), but it still looks like an interesting new way to experience the game, and it looks like they might give the DK series more attention from now on. A 3D trailer was released exclusively on the 3DS eShop, which I recommend you check out.

I can't say from what was shown if the graphics or sound quality have taken a hit, as the 3DS video is really compressed, but it looks like it'll be a fun way to experience what was a masterpiece on the Wii.

Now hurry up and make Donkey Kong Country Returns 2!
Or better yet a new Donkey Kong Country that's completely original.

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