Top 10 Most Shocking Games in a Series - Featured on GameFAQs

Well as you may know by now, for the past week we've been posting articles from our GameFAQs top 10 list here to the blog. We had everything planned out, and we were expecting to post a link to the GameFAQs list at the end of it all; however, our plans kind of fell through. It turns out GameFAQs has in fact accepted our top 10 list much earlier than we ever dreamed, and it is now live for the entire world to see!

Now just because the list is now public, it doesn't mean they wont be appearing on the blog daily. Over the weekend the final two articles will in fact go live (so you are free to wait for them), but if you would like to read them early; check out the following link!

Also, I would like to thank GameFAQs and everyone's support and patience with us as well! As you know this was quite a large project, and because of that we really haven't had much time to write anything else. Now sure I did manage to get my Tomb Raider out, and Lugia also just released his Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed review as well, but now that we are finished with the list; we will finally be able to return to our regular blog posts.

Now that doesn't mean this is over! We are actually working on a Round 2 as well, and depending on how things go, we may even have an "encore" round of sorts to finish it all off. So anyway, once again thank you for all of your support, and I hope to see you all again soon!

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