Miiverse Now on PCs and Mobile Devices!

It's been awhile since Nintendo announced its Miiverse service with the Wii U, and since then one thing has always been missing; PC and mobile device support. Back when Nintendo first showed it off to the world, they told us that we would be able to log in from our computers and other devices, communicate with friends, and post; however this was not the case at launch. For the past few months Miiverse has been exclusive to the Wii U, but now all of that has finally changed!

Now, by going to https://miiverse.nintendo.net (or by clicking on the link at http://www.nintendo.com) you can log into the Miiverse service from your PC or other devices! Although anyone can access Miiverse, if you want to sign in or create an account, you still must own a Wii U to do so. Nintendo still hasn't set up a way to bring your account completely off the Wii U, but at least this is finally a step in the right direction!

On the PC Miiverse you can access your User Menu, you can check Miiverse news, you can view your Activity Feed, you can check your Notifications, and you have access to all of the communities (including ones you have saved in your favorites); however some features are still missing. While you can read and comment on any post, it seems that you still cannot make your own posts. In an announcement made by "Tom," they stated that the web version is in fact still in beta, so some features will be missing for now. In other words, things wont be staying like this, and we should be able to make our own posts in the future.

Although the Miiverse web version still isn't complete, it is a very nice feature to have, and it makes posting a whole lot easier! Sure it still isn't quite a full replacement for Nsider, but it is the next best thing.... For now.

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