VC Coming to Wii U and EARTHBOUND!

Very soon the Virtual Console will finally be making its way over to the Wii U. Up until now gamers had to access the VC by going to the Wii menu, and they could only access a few select VC titles from the eShop, but this will no longer be the case. Now the full Virtual Console service will be accessible from the Wii U menu, but with a few twists of its own! Coming with the brand new Wii U VC is the addition of Game Boy Advance games, as well as one  other game that fans have been asking for for years!

Yep that's right! After years of trying, fans have finally talked Nintendo into releasing EarthBound on the Virutal Console in the west! For quite some time Mother 2 (EarthBound's Japanese title) has been up in Japan, but due to legal issues it has never been able to make it to western shores. Well now it seems that Nintendo has finally worked out the issues, and we will finally be getting what we want!

Thank you Nintendo!

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