Monster Hunter Tri Memories - Say Goodbye to Tri!


The below article is a "Legacy Post" from back when Netto's Game Room was a part of Capcom's official Capcom-Unity Community from 2011 - 2013. The article has been preserved in it's original form, but context has been lost to time due to the closing of Capcom-Unity. The Goodbye Tri event was proposed to Capcom and accepted as an event for the release of Monster Hunter 3U, and for the sendoff of MH Tri. The idea was accepted, and the event ran during the launch of MH3U, exclusively for Capcom-Unity Members. Those who took part in the event were rewarded with a Capcom-Unity badge.

Original Article:

Remember what I said yesterday about Monster Hunter Tri closing down? Well over at Capcom-Unity they are holding a small event, that I actually played a major role in. Awhile back I pitched the idea to Yuri to have an event where we could say goodbye to Tri and share our memories, and well, the idea was accepted! By going over to my topic at Capcom-Unity, and by sharing your memories, you will be able to earn the "Goodbye Tri" badge. Although it's just a little reward, its a good incentive to get everyone to share their memories, and help us form a topic filled with grand stories!

Over the past few hours many members have been sharing their memories with us, and quite a few nice tribute videos have been posted as well! Check out this one by fellow Unity member Garrett!

If you're a fan of Monster Hunter Tri, please check out the topic and share your stories. Everyone would love to hear from you, and it would just be a great way to send off the game. Signing up for Capcom-Unity is quick and easy, or you can even use your GOOGLE account, or even your Facebook or Twitter to log in and post.

Tri truly was a great game, and I know fans all around the world will miss it.

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