Ninja Gaiden Z: Yaiba - Pre E3 Trailer

Last night on Spike TV, the world finally got its first real look at the upcoming game Ninja Gaiden Z: Yaiba. Up until this point we've only seen a few frames worth of gameplay, and it has been pretty unclear how the game actually plays; well the newest trailer finally shows us what we have all been waiting for. Check it out!

Note: Warning, contains content that may not be appropriate for all audiances.

Although I would normally make some sort of comment about the game based on the trailer, this time around I'm not. I just feel that this trailer really doesn't do the game justice, and it makes it pretty hard to judge the game because of that. While I feel that the trailer is trying to be "cool" and "edgy," it just kind of seems like it is trying too hard. While I still have high hopes for this game myself, I'm also hoping that they show off more footage at E3.

What do you guys think though? Do you like the trailer? Are you interested in the game at all? Feel free to leave your comments below.

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