Halo 5: Guardians - Confirmed for 2015 on Xbox One

If you watched Microsoft's E3 stage show last year, then chances are you remember their "Desert Game" trailer. It started off by showing someone wrapped in a cloak walking through the desert, when out of nowhere a giant mech rose up out of the sand. The trailer itself looked very interesting, and while watching it many began to wonder just what type of new game it could be! But then, it was Halo.

While some people were upset that the game was a returning series rather than a new Xbox One exclusive, many fans also couldn't wait to hear more about the game. The trailer itself called the game "Halo," and offered no other information. This lead some people to believe that it would be some spin off like Halo Wars, but others truly believed it would be the next entry in 343's new Halo saga. Well, those of you who were hopping for the latter will be happy to hear that the next Halo game will in fact be Halo 5.

Today 343 has announced that the next entry in the Halo series will be titled "Halo 5: Guardians," and it will also be an Xbox One exclusive. The game is being built at a much larger scale than previous entries, and they will be making full use of the Xbox One's hardware. While not much else was said, developers did mention that they are retooling almost every aspect of the game's engine, so long time fans can expect to see some major changes to the core gameplay as well.

Halo 5: Guardians will be released on the Xbox One in 2015, along with the upcoming Halo TV series.

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