InFAMOUS: First Light - E3 2014 Trailer

After the release of InFAMOUS: Second Son, Sucker Punch was quick to announce that more would be coming for the game. While the main game was relatively short, Sucker Punch's words gave fans hope, and left many wondering just what they were planning. Well, we got our answer.

InFAMOUS:First Light is an upcoming add on for Second Son, and can either be bought as DLC along with the base game, or as a stand alone; which is very similar to InFAMOUS 2's vampire expansion. The game itself will follow the story of Fetch, aka, the girl who gives Delsin his Neon Powers early on in the game. While Second Son itself touches on her background slightly, it never really gives us the full story. We know that she runs away from home, becomes a drug addict, and basically kills her own brother (which she deeply regrets), but all of that is told to us within a few minutes. With this new add on however, we will finally be getting an inside look at the full picture.

On another note, this new add on marks a few firsts in the InFAMOUS series as well. Up until now we have never been able to play as a character outside of the game's lead. With this, rather than playing as Delsin, we get to take control of one of the side characters, who also happens to be the first playable female character as well. It is also the first time that a DLC add on actually contributed to the story, and wasn't just some sort of "what if" scenario.

For more information, feel free to check out the trailer below:

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