We got murdered!

Murdered: Soul Suspect that is! For anyone who doesn't know, Murdered is a brand new game published by Square-Enix set in the haunted town of Salem; the very location of the witch trials so many years ago. The game follows detective Ronan O'Connor after he is shot and killed. Now hanging onto life as a ghost, he must solve his own murder, stop the serial killer who got to him and many others, and help out ghost still clinging onto the town in the process. The game itself is an interesting concept, but just how does it all come together? Well, I guess we'll all find out tonight.

Around 10:00 PM (Central Time) we here at NGR will be streaming the PlayStation 4 version of the game on our Twitch Channel. Tonight's stream will only last about an hour and a half, but for anyone who misses it (or would rather see more than an hour and a half of gameplay), we will also be uploading the Stream to our YouTube channel as well (without commentary).

So anyway, if you're interested in seeing the game, feel free to follow us on Twitch or Twitter to receive a notification when we go live! Until then everyone.

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