Resident Evil 7 - Trailer

Oh man, it's finally happening. Resident Evil is back to it's horror roots, and this time with a twist -- It's in VR! Yes, that's right. Resident Evil VII will be coming out for the PS4 early next year, and it'll be possible to play the entire thing from start to finish using the brand new upcoming PlayStation VR. While not much else is known about the game, Capcom did release a nightmare inducing trailer (man, that song), and it does contain some clues on what we might expect. Ghosts? Zombies? Monsters? Creepy people? Yeah, looks like this one will have it all.

On another note, for any of you with PlayStation Plus... You can download the demo and check it out tonight! Sure you won't be able to experience it in VR, but it'll still be worth checking out. (Not like you need VR for this.)

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