Monster Hunter World: Iceborne - Coming to PC Tomorrow!

It's finally here hunters! Monster Hunter World Iceborne comes out on PC tomorrow. The game is Monster Hunter World's first major expansion, and is basically what used to be known as the "G" version of the game (also known as "Ultimate" in the West). In the past G versions would be released to improve on the existing game, while also including new story content, and monsters to hunt. Iceborne follows this trend, but with a few alterations. The classic G Rank has now been replaced with "Master Rank," and a few other additions were made as well. Here's a spoiler free list of some of the things that have been added to Iceborne:

  • New story taking place after the original game's conclusion.
  • New Ice covered region.
  • Hot drinks are now required for colder areas to present stamina drain.
  • Some monsters can now be mounted for quicker travel across the areas.
  • New gem system where multiple skills are on the same gem (rather than being one skill per gem).
  • New flatter hub city which makes getting to everything you need access to a lot easier.
  • New co-op hub area which also includes a lot more resources than the previous one had.
  • New housing system with a lot more customization -- including changing furniture and how furniture looks.
  • New costumes to wear over top of your physical armor.
  • Master Rank versions of every past monster in the game (thus doubling the amount of monsters in the game nearly from the very start).
  • Completely new monsters and fan favorites that were missing from the base game have now been added.
  • New weapons and armor sets to go along with these new monsters and new Master forms.
  • Brand new claw mechanic which allows you to attach yourself to a monster to create new weak points, or even force them to run head first into a wall.
  • And much much more -- some of which I cannot speak of.
Overall Iceborne has much more content than the original base game, and is basically a game of it's own. Of course you need to finish Monster Hunter World to continue on to the new content, but some content can be accessed before hand.

Well that's it for me today. Have fun out there hunters!
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