PlayStation Plus - May 2020

It's that time again -- the PlayStation Plus announcement for next month! This time around the games... Well, let's just say they appeal to a specific audience.

Once again the announcement comes from the PlayStation Blog, and this time it's going to be only two titles (no bonus games this month sadly). The first one is none other than the popular city builder "Cities: Skylines." This game has been around for awhile now and has formed quite the following. It's a full city simulator where you get to build your dream city, manage it's economy, and basically just try to make it the best you possibly can. It's perfect for those who grew up playing games like Sim City, and for those who like management/strategy style games in general.

The second game also has a huge following, to the point where it's actually considered an esport! Yep it's Farming Simulator 19, and chances are most of you who are into it already own it. If you don't however and would like to try it out, now is your chance. As the name suggests, this is a full on farming simulator. While other game series out there like Story of Seasons and Stardew Valley focus more on the life and translate farming and other activities into standard gameplay pretty much anyone can wrap their head around, Farming Simulator takes it all to the next level and expects you to do everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. It's a game that takes a lot more to get into, and again it's something that will appeal more to a specific fanbase. Still worth giving it a shot though right?

And there you have it, that's May 2020 for ya! Summer is almost here, and maybe these games will help hold you over until then? Quite a few big releases coming up after all.
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