Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero Kickstarter is funded!

Hello there readers! Yes you read it right, Shantae HD did reach its 400'000 $ goal. Wayforward says thank you in this video:


Big congrats to Wayforward for making it! Now there are MANY stretch goals left up until 1,3 million but there is only 9 days left for the kickstarter as I am writing this, but lets try to get at least to 500'000 $ so that we can play as Shantae's nemesis Risky boots!

Who knows, if the game sells enough after release they may release the stretch goals as DLC (I wouldn't mind at all), so if you have any more spare cash that you can spend, then go and support this kickstarter even more!


Have a nice day readers.