Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag

Today Ubisoft has finally given us the first look at the next entry in the Assassin's Creed series, and it is actually quite shocking! Since Assassin's Creed II had a few sequels of its own (which became known as the "Ezio Trilogy") many people assumed that Assassin's Creed III would go down the same path; however it seems that may not be true (at least not in same way)! Check out the following photo Ubisoft uploaded to their Google + page today!

It turns out the next game is going to be titled "Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag" and it will be using a pirate theme! As of right now details are pretty limited, and we really don't know who the Assassin is, but there are two possibilities. The first possibility is that we will be seeing a brand new Assassin who may or may not be related to Desmond, and the second possibility is that the game will follow Connor's life after the revolution. Assassin's Creed III did focus a lot on the sea, so really I wouldn't be too shocked if the latter turned out to be the case, but we really won't know for sure until Ubisoft announces more.

According to Ubisoft's Google + post, they "will be announcing all the details of Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag on Monday March 4 at 6pm CET. Stay tuned for more."


It turns out that the main character of Assassin's Creed IV will be Edward, Connor's grandfather. Apparently Ubisoft had been planning on doing a "Kenway" story arc for some time now, and Edward's story is the next part of that story arc.

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