Beyond: Two Souls - Coming to PlayStation 4!

Today Quantic Dream announced a new project for the PlayStation 4; however, it is not what many people might expect. Although we've known since the PS4 announcement that the company is working on a title for the PlayStation 4, Quantic Dream has kept quiet about what their upcoming game might be. They did show off a tech demo, but that's all it was, a tech demo (very much like the Kara demo we saw before the announcement of Beyond: Two Souls). Well, although we still have no news on what the next "new" game might be, it has been announced that Beyond: Two Souls will be returning! During the ending of the original game, players were left with a cliffhanger. We get to see parts of the future, and it strongly suggests that a sequel was in development. Although this hasn't been confirmed, apparently the original Beyond: Two Souls will be making its way over to the PlayStation 4!

According to Quantic Dream, they wanted to bring one of their top selling games to the next generation simply because they understood that some fans wanted to carry it on with them into the next gen. The original game was released so late into the PlayStation 3's life that some players simply just missed out on it due to them upgrading to the PlayStation 4, while others may have decided to just hold out and see what was to come. At the time of the game's original release, quite a few companies had already announced that their 7th generation games would be moving onto the 8th generation as well, and many fans had hope that this would be the case for Beyond too. Well, it was a short wait, but their hopes are finally becoming a reality.

While the PlayStation 4 version of Beyond won't be much different from the original, it does have a few new features. Thanks to the PlayStation 4's power, the long loading screens between scenes has been greatly reduced, the graphics have been improved, new objects have been added to areas to give them more detail (such as the desert which felt semi-empty in the original), the PS4's touch pad can now be used in place of some of the original buttons, and you can also stream on Twitch or Ustream. Although interactive streaming hasn't been officially announced, it has been hinted that the streaming services may allow viewers to vote on some of the choices you are asked to make during the game.

As of this moment no release date has been announced for the PlayStation 4 version of Beyond: Two Souls, but hopefully we'll find out more in a few months at E3.

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