NGR Tumblr Turns One Today

Well guys, we made it. One year ago today the NGR Tumblr opened up to the public, and since then it has been growing every single day. Thanks to all of you, what originally started out as a simple small scale "personal" blog, evolved into the full fledged "home away from home" we see today. We here at NGR just wanted to say thank you to our many followers for sticking with us all this time, and let you know how much we really appreciate your support. You really impacted not only our Tumblr, but our website as well, and its because of that we are still standing here today. Thank you all very much!

On another note, this isn't the only "birthday" we would like to celebrate. In three days it will mark the one year anniversary of us moving to our domain, and in honor of the occasion we have something major planned for the site. At this time we cannot go into anymore detail, but we hope you'll look forward to seeing what's to come on the 26th! Man, how time sure does fly...

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