How Can We Bring Horror back into Horror? - Featured on

Today our first article went live. A few months ago or so NGR was invited to become a part of the "gaming experts" over at Answers, but quite a few issues prevented us from making use of the deal. If you're an active reader here at NGR then you would remember what happened last Christmas for example... Things haven't been easy over the past half a year, but things are finally looking up. Anyway, our first article is now official live. To read it you can either head on over to and look at the featured posts at the top of the page, or you can click the "Click to read more" text at the end of this post.

While we cannot post the full article, here is a small segment. Hope you enjoy!

How Can We Bring Horror back into Horror?
In today's world, the horror video game genre is struggling. Well known games such as Resident Evil have turned into full fledged action games where you truly do not have to fear anything, and many others have simply become predictable. It is rare to see a game that actually scares the heck out of you, and things don't seem to be getting much better. Now sure, there are some really nice indie titles out there, but even they run out of fuel as time goes on. So, how can we fix this? Just how could we turn the genre around and bring it to its former glory? Well... [Click to read more]

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