Rise of the Tomb Raider - Xbox Exclusive (For Now)

Sorry about the long wait, but the past week has been a bit crazy for us. With Gamescom going on, and a few other things; we just haven't had time to post every bit of news. So... How about a quick recap of some of the major announcements to come out over the past few days? Who knows, maybe you missed something!

One of the biggest announcements to come from Microsoft's show was the news of the upcoming Tomb Raider (2013) sequel being exclusive to Xbox consoles. Back at E3 the game was teased during the Microsoft stage show, but for most fans that didn't mean a thing. Tomb Raider had always been a PlayStation staple, with a large fanbase on PCs as well so it was assumed it would be multiplatform. Well it turns out, we were wrong--at least for now.

News of the exclusive deal has made its way across the internet to sites such as (but not limited to) GameSpot, and IGN, and it turns out it isn't a full on exclusive. Microsoft did not buy the rights to the game, they simply "rented" it. It is a timed exclusive, and it is possible it will make its way to other platforms once it is up. The very same thing just happened with Capcom's Dead Rising 3 (which was released on PC), just a few months ago. With Tomb Raider's large PlayStation and PC fanbase, there's a pretty good chance the same will happen to it. We'll just have to wait a year and see.

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