NGR Game of the Year - Coming Soon

Something we do here at NGR each year is talk about our favorite games released over the past year. Each of our staff members are asked to look back at all of the games they've played, and then write a little post about whatever one they felt was their personal "Game of the Year." Well, this year is no different; however we do have quite a few new members of our team this year, so things are going to take a little bit longer for these posts to roll out. So over the next week we'll be doing just that--we'll be looking over the games we've played, we'll be sorting through them (looking at the pros and cons of each), and then in the end we'll be putting our choices live for all of you to see.

Now before we start rolling these out, keep in mind these are our personal Game of the Year choices. We'll only be discussing games that we have personally played, and we have no set "rules" on what we can or cannot talk about. So what does that mean exactly? Well, it means our writers are free to discuss whatever they wish about the game they are writing about, and if they'd like, they can even mention their runner ups, or even mention their favorite games they've played this year in general. Because of this, each writer's post will be different from the last, and may discuss more than one game (with their GOTY choice taking center stage). So, with that being said, I hope you look forward to our choices!

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