Netto's Daily Challenge: Shinobi (3DS)

Today's daily challenge is going to be yet another difficult one, but I know for a fact many people have already done this at some point in time. The game chosen for today, Shinobi for the 3DS, is actually one that is very special to me; not because I'm a fan, but because of how I received it. You see, Shinobi was actually one of the first games I received for free because of a Netto's Game Room review. Although we do in fact do everything here for free, most of our reviews are entered in contests and quite a few of them have in fact won. Shinobi was one of the games I was able to get for free thanks to winning one of these contests, and I will always  be grateful for that. So anyway, lets get on with the challenge!

Netto's Daily Challenge: Shinobi (3DS) - Beat the game on the Hardest Mode

Today's challenge is a simple one, but it is also very challenging. All I ask is that you guys pick up Shinobi, and play it from start to finish while on the hardest mode. Now if you've never played Shinobi for the 3DS this may sound easy, but let me assure you; IT IS NOT! Shinobi is all about being perfect, parrying every attack that comes your way, killing enemies with the biggest combo you can unleash, and its all about not getting hit so you can build your score up as high as possible. The game has a very steep learning curve, and is a challenge even on the easiest mode. If you want to hope to beat this game on the hardest setting, it'll take a lot of skill, and a LOT of practice. I'm sure many of you out there have reached this level of skill, but for you who have not; I'm challenging you to do it now!

Although I normally wouldn't say this in a daily challenge, if you haven't played Shinobi for the 3DS and you're a fan of high speed action/old school games, I really recommend picking it up. Now days you can actually get the thing for anywhere from $3.00 - $10.00, and it really is worth every penny.

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