Resident Evil REmake heading to HD Consoles

Yesterday Capcom announced a little surprise. For awhile now rumors have been surfacing of the next entry in the Resident Evil series, but Capcom has kept pretty quiet about their plans for the series. Well, it looks like their next release will be the return of a classic, but in a new way.

The Resident Evil "REmake" which originally launched on the Nintendo GameCube will be making its way to HD consoles as a downloadable title. Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, and PC owners can expect to play the game next year. It will feature upgraded graphics over the original, and will run at 1080p on the newer hardware.

So, how do you feel about this? Are you happy to see the classic Resident Evil return in a new way? While the original Resident Evil can be downloaded on PSN, this is the first time the updated version has been released on something other than a Nintendo console. While it is a remake, it also added new story elements, so even those who played the original releases have a reason to come back.

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